Unique Interpersonal Dynamics of Cognitive and Emotional Processes 

A neuropsychological evaluation provides understanding of your (or your child’s) functioning in many areas. Understanding cognitive and psychological processes guides therapeutic interventions and supportive services. Cognitive functioning includes memory, attention, processing speed, verbal and spatial processing skills, and visual motor integration. Executive functioning includes many processes that are responsible for guiding, directing, and managing cognitive, emotional and behavioral functions. These processes are interrelated and influence active, problem solving behaviors in humans. Executive functions include the abilities to control impulses, keep track of the effect of one's own behaviors, shift from one activity flexibly to another, regulate emotional expressions appropriately, complete tasks timely, hold and manipulate in mind information, develop and carry out sequences, self monitor performance, organization and a variety of other related tasks. Cognitive and executive functioning are required for a wide range of tasks in our daily lives. In addition, psychological processes also interact with cognitive and executive functioning. Children, adolescents and adults with cognitive functioning, executive functioning, and/or psychological problems often have difficulty in many areas including, school, home and work environments. 

Also included in this evaluation is a comprehensive report with explanation of test results, accurate diagnosis, recommendations for academic, home and therapeutic environments, and appropriate referrals. Parents should expect to spend approximately 1-3 hours for the intake interview and to complete parent evaluation forms, up to 8 hours of child/adolescent/adult in-person testing and 1-2 hours for the feedback session. During the feedback session parents are invited to meet with the evaluator to review testing results, discuss recommendations and ask questions. A physical copy of the report will be provided to the parents at the feedback session. 

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