Traditionally psychological tests have been used to measure differences between individuals or differences in responses of the same individual under different circumstances. Understanding these differences can lead to a plethora of information about each unique individual tested.

Psychological and neuropsychological tests are often used to evaluate intelligence, visual processing skills, verbal processing and comprehension, memory abilities, executive functioning (attention, activation, focus, effort, short-term memory, manipulation of information, action, etc.), learning abilities, developmental abilities, adaptive abilities, social-emotional skills and regulation, and many more functions of the human mind and body.

When an evaluation is completed, a rich understanding emerges that indicates how the individual processes their world and their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, psychological/neuropsychological testing provides evidence for specific disorders that may be significantly impeding a child’s ability to succeed in various environments or an adult’s ability to succeed in work and social environments. Often a child may be intellectually “bright” but is underachieving in school. Psychological testing can identify this child’s intellectual potential as well as determine possible reasons why they are not performing at their cognitive ability level. These reasons may include a learning disability, attention problems, social difficulties, and/or psychological interference. Each individual has their own unique testing profile that reveals their abilities and the best strategies to reach their potential based on specific testing results. Often individuals need specific learning strategies in order to learn, remember, and recall novel information effectively. In addition, some individuals need specific support or interventions designed to alleviate particular social-emotional deficits.

Psychological/neuropsychological testing provides this understanding through an extensive, detailed process designed to accurately recognize and appreciate each individual’s unique processing of their world around them. Psychological/neuropsychological testing is essential to understanding yourself or your child and finding the resources to reach your absolute potential, success, and happiness.


Accommodations Assessment
Often individuals need accommodations on entrance exams, including the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, or adults taking certification exams for their employment. Accommodations help individuals perform at their cognitive ability level and often include additional time, additional breaks, or tests in different formats. 

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The essential feature of ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity that interferes with functioning and/or development. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused, restlessness, excessive fidgeting, making careless mistakes, organizational problems, and memory issues.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have impairment in social communication & interaction and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Many individuals are high functioning and go undetected until late adolescence, while others are diagnosed very early in development. 

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Gifted Intelligence Quotient Testing
Parents who are interested in their child attending various gifted programs must first determine if their child is qualified to meet the program requirements. Gifted IQ testing determines if your child meets these criteria. Thrive Testing Center provides the required intellectual and/or psycho-educational batteries for applications. 

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A Happier, Healthier You
Psychological disorders are often identifiable in the early years of development. Early intervention may help the overall progression and life course of these disorders. Symptoms include sadness, outbursts, sleep problems, fatigue, lower concentration, irritability, muscle tension, and/or hypervigilance. 

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Disorders That Occur in the Developmental Period of Life
A neurodevelopmental evaluation includes testing for deficits in many areas that occur during the developmental period, including ASD, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, communication disorders and specific learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia), which affects social, academic & occupational functioning. 

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Unique Interpersonal Dynamics of Cognitive and Emotional Processes
Neuropsychological evaluations examine the interaction of cognitive processing (e.g., memory, attention, verbal/visual processing, processing speed), executive functioning (e.g., organization, planning, impulse control), and psychological processes (e.g., emotion regulation, motivation, self-esteem, agitation).  

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The Interaction of Learning, Cognition, and Psychological Processes
Psycho-educational evaluations examine problems related to learning (reading, writing, mathematics) as well as other influencing psychological factors. This evaluation looks at both areas to gain a better understanding of how the child/adolescent learns and what skills they need to develop to be successful. 

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Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
Independent Educational Evaluations are similar to psycho-educational evaluations. However, IEE’s include additional information related to California Regulations for Special Education. All reports include both DSM-5 diagnoses as well as Title 5, CCR 3030 eligibility criteria, placement, and recommendations. 

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Objective Assessment of Individuals in the Legal Setting
Dr. Geringer serves as an expert witness for attorneys practicing Family and Educational Law regarding diagnosis, treatment, specific needs of children with neurodevelopment, cognitive, learning and/or psychological disorders, and academic accommodations, services, and placement recommendations. 

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